Raam Setu Handler

by Raamsetu Agrotech Pvt Ltd



RaamSetu is an agro commodity e-auction platform that connects farmer directly to food processing industries and oil mills. We kick-started operations on the 5th of January, 2022 with the goal of breaking all barriers that farmers and end consumers face in India in terms of cost, support, and trading. Today, our disruptive trading models and in-house technology have made us the first digital auctioning platform in India.And yet, we are always up to something new every day. Catch up on the latest updates on our blog to see what our users are saying about us.We named the company RaamSetu, in order to act as a bridge to help the farmer connect to the end consumer through a digitised e-commerce auctioning platform. In a traditional grain trading system at current apmc mandi, a long cycle of processes is involved with multiple entities that include farmers, middlemen, apmc mandis commission agents, brokers and then finally food industries. Here farmer is not directly connected with food industries which is the sole reason he is always underpaid while selling his produce. This traditional model is highly inefficient 15-20 % of product value is lost in this system as margins and commissions. Transportation takes a cyclical route. If the distance between farmers place and industry is 200 km the product will travel 300 km before reaching industry. Similarly the product is packed and unpacked every time it goes through quality at different points which increases the labour cost.To cope up with this problem we have introduced a tech based platform with a bidding system that enables farmers to get higher profits and food industries to shift their physical purchase methods to a more efficient digitised method. Talking about the efficiency RaamSetu charges only 3-5% platform charges depending upon various commodities. Transportation is also made effecient as the product is transported from farmers place directly to industry. Even the packaging is done only once at the time of weighing.